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HAPPY 2012!!!
Sunday, January 1, 2012 | 10:23 PM | 0 comments
Heyo! It's 2012! HAPPY NEW YEAR! rock on!

Genting Highlands was flooded with new year revellers no matter it's indoor or outdoor.

Me, CPY, Meng Kuan, Shi Wei and Cheryl applause

Love the whether there love struck

Meng Kuan, Shi Wei and Cheryl sleeping in KFC. This photo is taken at 4:30 am. Take note; it's AM!!

Wondering what the hell were we doing in KFC at this time?
We were actually homeless. Or maybe hotel-less, room-less, bed-less. Whatever you call it!
All the hotels were fully booked.
So, we decided to catch a midnight movie at 1:30 am.
The cinema was packed despite the late hour.
Surprisingly, after the movie at 3:00am, there were still many people hanging around.
I guess they are all homeless people like us.
After movie, we headed to KFC to sleep. Yes, to sleep. sleepy
Me and CPY couldn't sleep though. But the rest did.
To kill boredom, we played chess and snake & ladder.
And this is my first time brushing my teeth and washing my face in a public toilet.
The only time me and CPY really fell asleep was at Starbucks.
And that was for only around 1 hour. It was freezing cold that i cant sleep on.

This is a Singaporean army horror movie. I wasn't expecting it to be nice. But, it ended up to be funny and scary. I mean real scary. Not the stupid kind of scary. Worth watching!

I'm glad that we ended 2011 with a blast and started 2012 with such a great experience.
Thank God for everything.
My life may not be as perfect as others, but definitely much more fortunate than many people.
I hope that all my family and friends will be happy and healthy throughout this year.
Sem 2 is starting on Wednesday and I'm more to excited than nervous. God bless me. praying

HAPPY NEW YEAR once again!!! party

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