eat pray love ❤
Monday, June 18, 2012 | 11:03 PM | 0 comments

beautiful, believe, cry, cute, dream

I just realised that most of my blog posts are about my studies. Sigh
Finals are over. I don't feel relieved at all though.
I would rather all the papers to be computer based.
Where I can obtain my results straight away.
No need for the suffering 2-months wait for results to be released.

Yes, the wait is suffering. Extremely suffering.
Especially if you have a feeling that you will fail because you screwed the paper up.

I sat for four papers this sem.
Which I passed FMA and FFA.
I think nobody realised that I was actually very sad with my FMA results right?
I'm good at keeping my feelings to myself.

However, I'm satisfied with FFA (as a result of not sleeping the whole night) and FTX.
I sat for the last paper yesterday which is FAU (Audit).
I screwed the paper gao gao.
Questions asked for stuff that either I forgot or did not memorise.
Great right?

I'm actually okay if I fail. (I think?) *touchwood touchwood*
I don't want to disappoint my parents.
I don't want their hard earned money to go down the drain because of me.

Enough of crying because there is no point to it.
What is done, is done.
Everyone told me to stay positive.
But I'm not going to put too much hope in it.
Less hope, less disappointment.

Why? Why can't I do it when others can?

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